Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Monet 1999-2007

Monet Marshall (Giggy) 8 year old iguana, died suddenly on Friday, Feb. 9 of complications of kidney failure. Monet was known for his ability to climb the rose trellis, tightrope across the fence, climb the neighbors tree and end up on their roof. He loved to lay in the sun, eat hibiscus leaves and steal the dog's food. He was a fierce companion and will be missed.


Impala Mama said...

Hey, I'm sorry, Riss. That guy has been a part of your family forever! He always scared the hell out of me...

Outdoorgirl said...

Sorry to hear about Giggy. My deepest condolences.....

LadyDoesSuck (and swallow) said...

I am so glad I got to meet Monet. He was awesome.

Impala Mama said...

Hey Riss, do you have plans for your birthday yet???

Marissa said...

no, no plans not sure how to do the 29th....