Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I heart Christians

Sorry in advance to any of my christian viewers, but this was cool. I went to perkins tonite for the kids eat free night with Johnny. There was a family next to us that Johnny just had to start messing with. After a bit, Johnny looked at me and said "that kid has a daddy, I dont have a daddy"
which of course was terrible and I felt really bad and said "Johnny your daddy is in Iraq remember??"
The guy heard me of course and started talking to Johnny about his daddy and if he was in the army and all that... so after a while they left and said bye bye and johnny finally ate.
After a few minutes, the waitress came by and said that that guy had paid for our dinner! I was like.. no way, really? dang I felt kinda bad cause its not like we are hurting or anything, but I also felt kinda good cause I never get that and it was cool of them to do that. That guy has got to be getting some good karma from that, at least I am sending it out to him!
Christians are cool sometimes :)

1 comment:

Impala Mama said...

Wow, that was really nice! Gotta love when people decide to be cool, eh?