Monday, October 1, 2007

This one is for c4

I was outside the other night, and johnny was shooting some balls out of a new nerf shooter. My downstairs neighbor says to me, " You shouldnt buy so many toys for Johnny, I swear he is really spoiled."

This is about the 8th time I have heard this from him. I know that I prob shouldnt buy him so many toys but its not every day or anything... maybe once a week if he is good at school. Anyway, I said to him, " Why do you care what I buy my kid, he is my kid and I can get him whatever I want. We can stay up till 2am if I want so what the fuck?"

That got him all defensive and he started sputtering nonsense about oh ya you can do what you want, its all good.

Fuck that, I am sick of defending my kid being happy. For once I actually didnt just say "oh your right, I know, wow I should stop"
Fuck what a dead beat dad says about it anyway, he should call his kid every once in a while instead of chasing after 18 year old pussy. hehehe