Friday, August 24, 2007


Ok. Once again I am pissed off. I know it is possible for a man and a woman to be just friends, cause I do it all the time. My neighbor is really nice, and likes to play with Johnny. Tonite, he got drunk, and said something that really got me going. he said, "I am done messing with Johnny, cause it doesn't get me anywhere so why should I care?" He said this in front of all the guys around my place, and everyone just looked at me like I was supposed to go fuck him or something right away. Fuck that, seriously. I thought he was trying to be honest friends with us but I guess he just wanted to get close to me so I would fuck him. He went and sat on his truck for a bit all pissed off, and I thought to myself, why should I even care enough to go over there and talk to him. I did anyway. Talk about a buzz kill too, jeez. And fuck all my other neighbors for assuming I would just go fuck him. Good thing I am moving out soon. And fuck them for giving me shit for not putting Johnny to bed at 8. We can stay upstairs till 2am awake if we want to, they can all go fuck themselves. Ok I am done again.

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