Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Holy Shit

Have you ever been in so much pain that you just start crying your head off? That was me this morning. Woke up at 730. I have had Migraines since I was 6 years old, and ya they suck ass, but I have never had quite the headache I did this morning. I can usually deal with the vision change, the arms falling asleep, and the loss of intellegence that I get, but sweet jesus this headache was the worse I think I have ever had. I dont think I was in as much pain when I was having my kid for christ sake. Anyway that was my morning. I am just fine now, still a little headache but smiling and happy. Someone needs to come up with a cure for this shit soon. I would gladly take a pill every day to stop that shit forever.
This is why I dont drink caffine! (I think this happened cause I had 3 dark chocolate brownies yesterday... and some blackberries...) I just cant win..

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